How to change currency on Buying and Selling Facebook Group

How to change currency on Buying and Selling Facebook Group

Last Updated on December 14, 2020

You have a Facebook group or wanted to post an item on a buying and selling Facebook group but could not see your local currency in the options. This post might be useful for you only when you are the owner or admin of that particular group.

Buying and Selling Facebook groups are ideal for local memberships. It is a kind of local classified hub where members sell their items only to other members within their locale. You can’t add an item for sale in a Facebook group located in United States where you are in England.

That is why one has to study the locality of a buying and selling Facebook groups before joining. They are always public.

Follow these steps to change currency on Buying and Selling Facebook Group

If the group is located within your area but the currency is set to USD, what you do is to message any of the group admin to change the setting to your own currency.

But, if the group is yours or you are one of the admin, then follow the simple steps below;

To change your preferred currency for payments you make on Facebook:
 buying and selling Facebook groups
  1. Click  in the top right of Facebook and select Settings
  2. Click Payments in the left menu and then click Account Settings
  3. Below Preferences, select your preferred currency and then click Save Changes

Click here to change your payment option. Note that not all currencies are added into the currency lists.

Note: If you change your preferred currency, you’ll need to wait 72 hours before you can change it again.

Change currency on buying and selling Facebook groups


You can now proceed to the group to sell something. You may also like to read how you can spot fake friend requests on Facebook

5 responses to “How to change currency on Buying and Selling Facebook Group”

  1. thanks but doesn’t work, i set payment preferences to Thai Baht and i’m in Thailand but still inserts british pound symbol and cannot change

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